I found these amazing envelopes in the back of a drawer in my Mother's house and, like the next oldie, I am a huge fan of writing letters, receiving letters...generally anything that you can rip open with hand written fronts (ha to you bills!)

And these fabrics....yum! I'm already picturing myself in front of my trusty sewing machine ready to make cushions to be put on big rattan pillows in the gardens...oh, summer how I adore thee

Are you getting a middle eastern vibe yet? I just love this old quite rough around the edges fabric that I totally forgot my mother has...and luckily for me, clever lady has decided to make it into one of those foot things to rest your weary soles.

I'm not sure what this was or is because all I have managed to find was a square of this paper...wallpaper maybe?

This on the other hand I know for shizzle that it's wallpaper, the problem being i have no idea who made it (hopefully makes it still!). If anyone out there knows can you help me out as I desperately want more...thanks!
What are your favorite prints this week?
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