Here I'm going to talk about little ways of making your life a little bit greener…it could be where to purchase cool sustainable once in a lifetime pieces of furniture or where to get a greener job or simply where to get the cheapest LED lightbulbs.
I hope you take the time to read this page once in a while because as I learnt whilst building my project….
Just because your green doesn´t mean you have to give up your luxuries!
I'm not going to get all preachy on you but one little thing makes a big difference, give it a might like it.
So first up I'm going to talk about Wiser Earth… a whole community of eco peeps. There are jobs, events and all types of other cool stuff.
#2. I love love love this website, really! A whole range of cool products for her, him, garden and home.
#3. Next up, if you've had problems in this economic crises and are looking for a job or simply a change in lifestyle, this is place to look. Jobs from all over the world and all about eco friendliness and doing some good for the world.
Will be updating this page constantly with new ideas so come back again and again!
So I'm back (yes, I've been off line for a little, apologies, apologies…)
#4.…this amazing collection of designers is right here in Mexico…yippee doo.
#5. So these little peeps are great for those of you Yankee Doodles…making packing that eliminates the use for paper or cardboard.
#6. I think anyone with a little amount of space or those who want to have a little bit of space should at least read some of what Dave Jacke has to say…think about gardening in a new way...
#7. Now although this site may look a wee bit boring and old fud dud, it's actually got great info for your area on where to recycle, or where to get the cheapest energy saving lightbulbs.