Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A little magic to make it summer

I promise that this will help, somewhat. I can't guarantee sun, heat waves, half naked bodies bronzing but, I can promise that the smell alone will, if only for a second or two, make you feel like summer.

It's one of the simplest things to do and if you make it in huge batches you have summer sweet goodness for the year.

I use it to make champagne cocktails, flavoured water, poaching fruit, ice pops and a whole mass of other things.

Yes that's right. I'm talking elderflower cordial. You've probably seen it, even smelt it and wondered what it was. In Ireland right now it is everywhere. I look out my window and I can see four separate trees full of this white summer scented blossom.

It's a five ingredient recipe and one that you make, leave it alone then bottle. You can all do this. It will take you ten minutes of your time to make and will be a great expedition for you, the family to go out and pick the elderflower blossom.

Give the blossoms a good wash before you get going as no-one likes a bug in their drink do they!
Elderflowers are, if eaten, poisonous so be careful won't you. And remember the foraging rules! Don't take all the blossoms of one tree, leave some for others. If the tree is in a private garden, ask before you pick.

I know that it looks a lot of sugar and to be honest, it is, but go with it. Sugar is a preservative too so it will keep everything nice and safe for months to come.

12 large (and I mean large) heads of blossom. If you are unsure go with more, NEVER less
2lbs of castor sugar
2 lemons washed and sliced
1oz tartaric acid
2-3litres of boiling water

Place all ingredients in a big bowl. I find layering works well with the lemons holding the blossoms under the water. Make sure all the sugar has dissolved and stir occasionally. Leave to soak for 24-48hrs covered and then bottle in sterilised containers. 

Happy summer.

1 comment:

  1. If that doesn't scream summer...I've never tried those blossoms..interesting.
